My services
Get unforgettable memories of your dog, or learn how to communicae with you beloved pooch.

Pricing Plans
Dog Training
Dog training session, I will analyze the dog behavior and why it happens, come up with how to work on it and teach you how to communicate it to your dog, or simply teach your dog simple commands and help you maintain a stronger connection with your dog.
Dog Training
Dog training session, I will analyze the dog behavior and why it happens, come up with how to work on it and teach you how to communicate it to your dog, or simply teach your dog simple commands and help you maintain a stronger connection with your dog.
120$ NZD
Dog Photography
45 minutes session in an aray of locations for your choice. (beach, forest. parks, desserted building), inclduing 10 professional edited photos.
200$ NZD
For more information and availability
Case Study:
Rocky Likes to Play on Greens
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